Chemical peels

Chemical peels involve applying a peeling agent to the skin in order to remove the dead and damaged surface skin cells. The result is the appearance of new, regenerated skin which is smoother in texture, even-toned, less wrinkled and more receptive to nutrients.

Chemical Peels are indicated for:

  • Remodelling
  • Regenerating
  • Fine line and wrinkles
  • Mature/Sun damaged skin
  • Acne/Acne scarring
  • Hyper-pigmentation
  • Increases the absorption of skin products and nutrients

Will a chemical peel work for me?

If you have unwanted discolouration, skin pigmentation, and similar skin problems you want to improve, a chemical peel may be a good option for you. The result will depend on the state of your skin, the extent of your scarring and pigmentation as well as adherence to your recommended skincare regimen. Dr Naidoo and her medical therapist will help you determine if a chemical peel will work for you, or if other treatments will be more effective. 

What can I expect after the procedure?

Depending on the peel or treatment done, you may have little to no downtime with slight redness and a sunburn look and feel. If you undergo more intensive chemical peels, the downtime is subjective and can vary from mild to severe. The downtime for your specific treatment will be explained in detailed to you upon consultation.

Aftercare for chemical peels

Each chemical peel is different and requires different aftercare. Your medical therapist will advise the suitable aftercare for your specific treatment.

General aftercare may include:

  • Avoid touching, picking or scratching your face.
  • Avoiding sun completely.
  • Applying a broad-spectrum SPF. 
  • Using a mild moisturiser.
  • Avoiding harsh products that may irritate the skin.